Thursday, 16 October 2014

New Tropico 5 DLC ‘Generalissimo’ Out Today

Is the Cold War over yet? Far from it! As history is repeating itself with the Tropican Missile Crisis! In ‘Generalissimo’, the latest DLC for Tropico 5, El Presidente is preparing for all-out invasion and large-scale warfare. Guide him to victory against a foreign military invasion by building a fearsome Defense HQ to instill fear in your enemies and rallying the nation in the name of the island. ‘Generalissimo’ includes a new scenario, a Defence H.Q allowing you to train Elite Commandos, the Madre de Dios sandbox map, the intimidating General’s hat avatar accessory and a brand new music track – with all new voice recordings bringing the tumultuous days of the 1960's back to life!

The ‘Generalissimo’ DLC for Tropico 5 is out today via Steam for £2.49/€2.99/$3.99. For non-Steam users, the PC version of the DLC is available via


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