Tommo Inc., a global game and entertainment company has joined forces with Night Dive Studios, a game developer that specializes in the restoration and optimization of classic game titles to launch Tommo’s new Retroism brand, debuting today on Steam and other game portals. Retroism is devoted to reintroducing the best titles of the past to a new generation, and will feature dozens of games originally published by MicroProse, Accolade, Infogrames and other iconic publishers. The two companies have previously worked together to re-launch classic games from Humongous Entertainment.
Retroism games will be available to consumers through premier digital distribution sites such as Steam,, Amazon, Humble Store, MacGameStore, GamersGate and Green Man Gaming. Titles making their Steam debut will be released weekly throughout the fall, available individually and in bundled packs.
The first titles to be launched will be included in the Retroism Explorer Pack, featuring Sid Meier’s Colonization, Pirates! Gold Plus and Sid Meier’s Covert Action.
“Tommo is pleased to be able bring back such great titles as Sid Meier’s Colonization, Pirates! Gold Plus, and Sid Meier’s Covert Action for today’s new generation of gaming enthusiasts” said Jonathan Wan, CEO of Tommo, Inc. “In addition to today’s announcement, later this fall we will be launching a complete gamers’ hub at that will celebrate these timeless games with retrospectives, videos, and images of original release materials.”
Stephen Kick, CEO of Night Dive Studios, added “For many of us that grew up playing these classic game titles, these games represent an important part of our lives. Through our partnership with Tommo, Inc. we have been able to make them accessible again for a new generation.”
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