Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Girl and the Robot Preview

Just a few days ago I was contacted by Flying Carpets Games, an independent video game development studio that was founded just last year and has been creating a game called "The Girl and the Robot".
They were kind enough to allow me to take the pre-alpha version of the game for a spin, apparently my opinion when it comes to this sort of thing matters to someone(who would have guessed!).
I'm here now, after having played the short pre-alpha, ready to present you my thoughts on the game and why you should or shouldn't support this Kickstarter Project.

The Girl and the Robot is at first glance your typical third person action adventure game, you can expect to find lots of puzzles, a few instances where combat is mandatory and even some platforming.
What sets this game apart from many others is the "fairy tale" approach, you take on the role of a little girl that is trying to escape from a prison/castle that is controlled by an evil queen. During this "great escape" she will be aided by a mysterious robot that can be controlled through a magical pendant.
According to Flying Carpets Games, this arduous journey will test the strength of their new found friendship.
While I can't vouch for the actual storyline as there's none in the version of the game I had access to, I can say that the overall feel of the world and design of the characters does fit well with this sort of magical plot/tale.

If I had to compare this game to anything else on the market right now, I would say that it's a nice blend of "ICO" and "Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom", both of these games are third person adventures that put players in magical worlds with two companions that must look out for each other.

From what I've seen and read so far I get the impression that Flying Carpets Games creative minds have a clear idea of what they are doing and what they intend to accomplish with this game. While they still have a ton of work ahead of them I believe in their talent, hopefully The Girl and the Robot will be among the best when it comes to third person adventure games.
I can definitely recommend that you at least take a quick look at their Kickstarter page and decide for yourself if this magical journey is worth your time/money.

The Girl and the Robot Kickstarter Page: Link
Flying Carpets Games Website: Link

1 comment :

  1. Contributed a while back to this kickstarter, hope it gets doen :P
