Friday 15 November 2013

Zia's Corner, Ep.43 - Sleeping Dogs, Sleepwalking

Simply sharing videogame music, just listen...and enjoy.

Sleeping Dogs is one of the best sandbox games ever made, it embraces exactly what a sandbox game should be, fun! Unfortunately it flew under the radar for many gamers, let's hope that it did well enough to grant it a sequel.
Borrowing a few elements from games like Just Cause or Grand Theft Auto, Sleeping Dogs never loses its identity. The melee combat system for example is amazing and super satisfying, particularly the finishing moves. Driving sections are fast and super responsive, making even the usually boring random checkpoint races feel a treat to complete. The gun-play on the other hand is a bit lacking, fortunately weapons are not used as much in Sleeping Dogs as in other sandbox games.
If you don't know or haven't played Sleeping Dogs yet you should definitely check it out, especially if you enjoy sandbox games, it was released last year (2012) so you should find it pretty cheap.


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