Saturday 1 February 2014

Game of the Month - January 2014 - Blackguards

"What happens when the only hope of a threatened world lies not with heroes in shining armor, but in the hands of a band of misfits and criminals?" Well, the folks from Daedalic Entertainment tried to tackle that very question in their latest game, Blackguards.

If you're familiar with previous titles developed by Daedalic Entertainment you will know that they have a strong focus on point and click adventures, because of that, seeing a turn-based RPG like Blackguards coming out of their studio is a surprise to say the least. Still, and having played some of their games, I know the high level of quality that this German studio usually delivers when releasing a title, needless to say that my expectations for Blackguards were high.
Thankfully the folks from Daedalic Entertainment seem to have pulled it off and delivered us a very decent turn-based RPG. Not overly complicated or complex when it comes to the battle system, Blackguards has just enough depth to keep combat engaging without alienating newcomers or veterans.

As expected when you take into consideration the previous titles developed by Daedalic Entertainment, the storytelling is Blackguards strongest point. Like I mentioned in the intro of this article, the fact that you take control of "a band of misfits and criminals" makes their tale a lot more interesting to follow and easy to relate. Their conversations in-between missions are incredibly entertaining and fun to watch, through them you will get to know your "heroes" and their motivations bit by bit.
If you enjoy a good tactical RPG then Blackguards is definitely for you, while not a perfect game (it has a few flaws and bugs here and there) it still manages to be a great adventure that you will not want to miss.

Honorable Mentions:

The Banner Saga
This title would probably win the Game of the Month award if not for a few technical issues that undermined my personal experience with the game.
A beautifully crafted turn-based RPG that puts a lot of emphasis on your personal choices, every decision you make will affect the outcome of your journey.
This is a prime example of how successful Kickstarter projects can be.

Broken Age
Double Fine Productions outdid themselves with Broken Age, this is one of the most unique and beautiful adventures out there. Filled with personality and funny moments this peculiar tale will make you reminisce of a time when adventure games like this were a lot more popular.
This is yet another Kickstarter project that fortunately was successful.


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